Lavender Plants
From mid-April to the end of September we sell a variety of lavender plants from our farm shop.
How to select the right lavender for your garden
There are hundreds of varieties of Lavender!
When considering which lavenders would suit your garden situation, you need to think about:
Soil type, Position, Importance of colour, Importance of fragrance, Space available, Desired effect – formal or informal.
The most important part of growing lavender is to have well drained soil, ideally lime, gravel or chalk. If you have a clay soil, you can add sand and gravel and feed them with lime regularly to help your plants thrive.
Lavenders love sun and will not flower if grown in constant shade. A south-facing sunny position is lavender’s favourite place. Plant them from late April through the summer months. Be sure to keep an eye on water, especially during the first year. Smaller plants generally take better and grow faster in the first couple of years.
Thoroughly water the plants. Dig the hole slightly deeper than the plant’s pot. Pour in a bucket of water and allow it to soak away. Plant just deep enough to allow a thin covering of soil over the top of the compost . This will aid moisture retention. Firm gently ensuring there is no depression next to the plant where water could gather.
For english lavender hedges: 30-40cm apart (12”-15”) dependent upon size.
Tall lavender (60cm+) should be planted 40-50cm apart(15”-16”)
For informal planting: 45-90cm apart (18”-36”).
English Lavenders do look particularly striking when planted in groups of 3!
Once established, this should be unnecessary except in very dry conditions, when for a few weeks an occasional light watering may be required. Plants in containers need to be watered throughout the summer months.
Feed your lavenders once a season with a little potash around the base of plants. This will encourage flowering and also improve the flower colour.
Hardy lavenders are best cut down to the old wood in August or when the lavender has finished flowering. This allows the plant to heal before the frost. If you grow French lavender, prune hard after the first flowering (to 9”). Thereafter, dead head the lavender throughout the season.
Read more about how to prune lavender.
Life of a Lavender
Typically, you can expect 8 to 10 years of pleasure from your lavender – as long as you abide by the golden rules of:
Soil type
Main varieties we grow on the farm.
Folgate — an early flowering variety, grown for its vbrant colour, and for the quality of the Lavender oil it produces.
Havanna - alike to the Imperial Gem, Havanna is a neat, compact variety of deep blue colour, grown for cutting and bunching.
Grosso — an “intermedia” lavender, producing a high quantity of Lavandin Oil (high in camphor).
Phenomenal - Large strong foliage lavender, producing tall purple flower spikes. One of the hardiest lavenders, foliage performs well throughout the winter.
We also grow other varieties, for display, such as Hidcote, Little Lady and Edelweiss.
At our farm shop we sell a wide selection of lavenders from late Spring.
Please call us on 01420 511146 or email: info@thelavenderfields.co.uk for further information.
Please contact us to find out what varieties we currently have and availability, as stock can vary.
Please note, that at present we are unable to offer on-line plant sales – it is collection only from our farm shop. Thank you.
Both french and english lavenders enjoy being grown in pots or
hanging baskets. Do not fill with normal compost, just add soil
and pieces of broken pot or gravel to aid drainage.
This is the ideal way to grow French lavenders (stoechas) as generally, they are not as hardy as English (angustifolia) lavenders.
Later in the year the container can be moved next to a house wall to protect them from frost.