In the Kitchen with Lavender.
Lavender recipes are becoming increasingly popular (again!)
Lavender has been used as a culinary herb since Roman and Greek times. It lends a delicate flavour to such dishes as casseroles, scones and ice cream. Its flavour is similar to ginger, with lemony overtones. Lavender can be used in many recipes as a substitute herb for rosemary, for instance roast lamb with lavender.

There are so many wonderful ways to use lavender in cooking - if you would like to have a go, check out the Lavender Cookbook by Sharon Shipley, available to purchase through our online shop. With over 120 tasty recipes, you'll be spoilt for choice!

The vibrant-colour, fresh flower heads can be used to decorate salads and cakes. Lavender leaves can be chopped and added to dishes and the flowers can be crumbled and used in baking.
A simple recipe, and good way to use lavender flowers in baking for a more subtle flavour, is to add them to caster sugar and store in a glass jar until needed, in the same way as you would use a vanilla pod to produce vanilla sugar.